Hippie Science Variety Hour

Medical Devices

Episode Summary

Jessica has been through 9 PICC lines and had a portacath for 5 years. After complications this year, Seth and Jessica really have a lot to say on this topic...shocker. Through this experience, lessons were learned about trusting your body and listening to those gut instincts that tell you something is wrong.

Episode Notes

Episode 103 Medical Devices

Jessica has been through 9 PICC lines and had a portacath for 5 years. After complications this year, Seth and Jessica really have a lot to say on this topic...shocker.

To find more information on PICC lines and Portacaths check out the links below:



Through this experience, lessons were learned about trusting your body and listening to those gut instincts that tell you something is wrong.

There is a love/hate relationship that some patients will have to face and come to accept within their own lives with implanted medical devices.

“It just didn't feel natural to have this foreign object in my body.” Jessica

Mellie White @thegirlwhocanteat is a model that walked multiple times in NY Fashion Week with a feeding tube. She is a huge inspiration and an absolute glowing light in this world.

There is shockingly NOT a government agency that oversees safety of implanted medical devices.

You have every right as a patient to demand for research to be provided for your procedures and medical devices.

At 29:09 Insert awkward disapproving stare from Jessica to Seth. The kind of look that says “Really man, you are too smart to say things so dumb” with love of course.

All of your devices can be hacked. Where would this lead us? Could this be the next bio-weapon style combat?

The same company that makes baby powder (that has been linked to leading to cancer) makes a lot of these medical devices. “If you can't get baby powder right, I don't want you to make anything to put inside my body!”

“Another thing that grinds my gears...” that research done in this country is hidden behind paywalls. Seth

Depression and anxiety often increases within patients right after implanted devices are placed.

Brief discussion on the financial cost of severe or long term health problems.

Is the problem with the health care system, pharma/device companies or the doctors? Where is the root of the issue within our healthcare system today in the US?

What we really need is an insertion of care and compassion within the medical world. Gary Edwards trains clowns for specific medical situations to help defuse the tension with humor and kindness.

Humor is really one of the most healing mindsets and tools at our mental disposal. Humor can be healing and uplifting on a level that you cannot exactly define.

“How do I spell what disease is going to kill me this time.” Jessica

Find the kind of medical care that suits you and that you need in your life. There is always another doctor, another treatment, etc to try and see if it fits your life.  

For our fellow hippie science geeks...Here are links to some of the research done for this episode. Enjoy your decent deeper into the rabbit hole. We sure did. 

Movie Documentary:

The Bleeding Edge

YouTube Video Research:

How sharks inspired a new generation of medical devices | Ethan Mann | TEDxMileHigh


All your devices can be hacked - Avi Rubin


4 questions you should always ask your doctor | Christer Mjåset


Medical Errors: The Silent Killer in Medicine | Carol Gunn | TEDxFargo


Humor in healthcare | Gary Edwards | TEDxBrno
